Amrakhand: The Luscious Mango Flavored Yogurt Delight


Amrakhand is a delectable dessert from the Western region of India, particularly popular in Maharashtra and Gujarat. This sweet delicacy combines the goodness of thick and creamy hung curd with the tropical flavors of ripe mangoes. It is a perfect blend of tangy and sweet, making it a delightful treat for mango lovers. In this article, we will explore the origins of Amrakhand, provide a step-by-step recipe to make it at home, and answer some frequently asked questions to help you master the art of preparing this delicious dessert.



Exploring the Mango Yogurt Delight Amrakhand gets its name from the combination of two words: "amra," which means mango in Hindi, and "khand," which refers to sweetened yogurt. The vibrant yellow color and rich mango flavor of this dessert make it a favorite among dessert enthusiasts, especially during the summer season when mangoes are in abundance. The creamy and smooth texture, along with the tangy-sweet taste, creates a heavenly combination that is hard to resist.

Amrakhand Recipe: A Taste of Mango Indulgence


  • 2 cups hung curd (thick yogurt)
  • 1 cup ripe mango pulp (from 2-3 mangoes)
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar (adjust as per sweetness preference)
  • A pinch of saffron strands (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • Chopped nuts for garnishing (like almonds, pistachios)


1.    In a mixing bowl, combine hung curd, mango pulp, powdered sugar, saffron strands (if using), and cardamom powder.

2.    Mix well until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined and the mixture becomes smooth.

3.    Transfer the mixture to a serving bowl or individual serving bowls.

4.    Garnish with chopped nuts, such as almonds and pistachios, on top.

5.    Refrigerate for a few hours to allow the flavors to meld and the Amrakhand to chill.

6.    Serve chilled and enjoy the heavenly combination of mango and yogurt.

FAQs about Amrakhand:

Q: What is Amrakhand? 

A: Amrakhand is a traditional Indian dessert made by combining hung curd (thick yogurt) with ripe mango pulp. It is a popular sweet dish, especially during the mango season.

Q: How to make Amrakhand at home? 

A: To make Amrakhand at home, you need hung curd, ripe mango pulp, powdered sugar, cardamom powder, saffron strands (optional), and chopped nuts for garnishing. Mix all the ingredients together, chill the mixture, and serve it cold.

Q: Can I use canned mango pulp for making Amrakhand? 

A: Yes, if fresh mangoes are not available, you can use canned mango pulp as a substitute. Ensure that the pulp is of good quality and free from added sugar or preservatives.

Q: Can I make Amrakhand in advance? 

A: Yes, you can make Amrakhand a few hours or even a day in advance. Keep it refrigerated until you are ready to serve.

Q: Can I use Greek yogurt instead of hung curd? 

A: Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for hung curd. However, the texture and consistency of Amrakhand may vary slightly.

In Conclusion: 

Indulge in the Mango-Yogurt Bliss of Amrakhand Amrakhand is a dessert that brings together the tropical sweetness of mangoes and the creamy tanginess of yogurt. With its smooth texture, vibrant color, and refreshing flavor, Amrakhand is a true delight for mango enthusiasts. By following the provided recipe and exploring the answers to common questions, you can master the art of making Amrakhand at home. So, treat yourself to this heavenly dessert and savor the lusciousness of mango and yogurt blended together in perfect harmony.

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